INDRAMAYU - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Indramayu, West Java, has designated six historical buildings in the area as district-level cultural heritage.

This is based on a decision taken from the results of the trial of the local Cultural Heritage Expert Team (TACB) at the end of 2024.

Indramayu Regent Nina Agustina said this determination was a form of the local government's commitment (Pemda) to maintaining cultural heritage and physically protect the historic building.

One by one the cultural heritage buildings in Indramayu have been officially designated and received protection in accordance with the Cultural Conservation Act. This is a concrete step in preserving historical heritage," he said in a statement in Indramayu, Antara, Sunday, February 2.

This determination is very important for the preservation of historical values contained in these buildings, so that they can continue to be passed on to future generations.

Nina invites the public to participate in protecting and preserving cultural heritage buildings, as well as avoiding acts of vandalism that can damage its historical value.

In addition, he has asked the ranks of the cultural field to continue to conduct studies of historical heritage in Indramayu.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud) of Indramayu Regency, Caridin, welcomed the policy, because it was the first step in maintaining regional identity.

He also emphasized the need for an in-depth study of cultural heritage that is still scattered in various areas of Indramayu by involving various disciplines, such as archeology, history, anthropology, and architecture.

Meanwhile, TACB Chairman Indramayu Dedy S. Musashi revealed that of the 300 historical residential objects that have been recorded, only six buildings have been officially designated as cultural heritage.

The six buildings are the Pendopo Building, Bondan Mosque, Water Tower (Waterleiding) Perumdam Tirta Darma Ayu, Landraad Building, Gedong Duwur (ex-Resident Assistant), and PLN Indramayu Building (Gebeo), "he said.

This year TACB Indramayu plans to conduct a study of the Pepinan area along Jalan Veteran which is considered to have high historical value.

Dedy said this area is very iconic and still well maintained, with many buildings with living monument status, such as the oldest churches in West Java, houses of worship, Chinese ethnic settlements, Chinese tombs, and office buildings.

"This area still maintains its original form and is part of the history of the Chinese people in Indramayu," he said.

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