PAPUA - The Mountains Papua Provincial Government revealed that the initial construction program for the local state civil apparatus (ASN) flats will begin this year.

Acting Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Papua, the Wasuok D Siep Mountains in Wamena, Sunday said that the construction of flats, provincial government offices, MRP, Mountains DPRP will be carried out in the central area of the government of Papua Mountains Province (KIPP).

"The construction of flats and government centers will be carried out in Walesi and Wouma Jayawijaya Regency this year," he said, quoting ANTARA, February 2.

According to him, the construction of the central area of the government of the Papua Mountains Province or KIPP will use the 2025 state budget (APBN).

"The construction of the KIPP is the responsibility of the central government or budgeted through the 2025 State Budget," he said.

He explained that while the involvement of the area may only be supporting facilities such as fences and roads within the location including the land acquisition of KIPP.

"We have completed the location stages and other things that are regional tasks, and are currently just waiting for the action," he said.

He added that this year in the central area of the government of the Papua Mountains Province, it will begin with the construction of flats.

"At the beginning of the development, namely the flats in 2025 and next year only the government offices, and the amount of the budget needed in this development itself, we also do not know it because it is the authority of the central government," he said.

He hopes that with the construction of this KIPP, the Papuan Mountains Provincial Government ASN will no longer live in boarding houses or rental houses but can use flats as a place to live.

"The government is preparing flats to help ASN reduce expenses and improve their performance in programs and activities," he said.

The construction of the central core area of the Papuan provincial government is an area of approximately 136 hectares, where in Walesi 94 hectares and Wouma 42 hectares.

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