JAKARTA - The baby fetus was found in a speech at the Koja Regional General Hospital (RSUD), North Jakarta (Jakut). The incident occurred on Thursday, January 30, in the morning.

"TKP di Ipal RSUD Koja," kata Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi, Minggu, 2 Februari.

Ade Ary explained that the incident was known to have started by a work safety employee (K3) who was the Ipal Operator, HS was at work. Then he saw that there was a crime scene flowing from the top floor of the Blok B building, there was a baby fetus.

"From the top floor of the Block B building, a baby fetus entered the sewer," said Ade Ary.

Then the witness, HS, lifted the fetus and then transferred it to a yellow medical bag. Then the witness reported to other witnesses and the management of the Koja Hospital.

"Janin baby by IKJ (Installation Room) was brought and put into the refrigerator. Then on Friday (31/1) reported to the Koja Police regarding the discovery of the fetus," he said.

The police who received the information went directly to the crime scene (TKP). The goal is for further action.

"Taking care of the Koja Sektro," he concluded.

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