The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has begun to conduct an investigation regarding the alleged corruption case regarding the issuance of Building Use Certificates (SHGB) and Ownership Certificates (SHM) in the Sea of Tangerang Regency.

Head of the Attorney General's Office, Harli Siregar, said that his party is currently still in the monitoring stage of the case.

"We will continue to make careful observations of the development of this problem in the field," said Harli, Sunday, February 2.

Nevertheless, said Harli, his party has determined that it will prioritize agencies to related ministries that are the leading sectors in handling marine fence cases.

"For example, KKP (Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) Or so on because we hope that if, for example, this ministry or institution, in the previous examination only finds criminal events, for example. Of course, we will see what kind of criminal events are indicated as a criminal act of corruption or not," he said.

Later, if it is found that there are allegations of corruption, then his party will conduct a more in-depth investigation.

"For example, it is indicated that there is a criminal act of corruption. Say in the issuance and so on there is a bribe of gratification. Well, of course this is our authority," he said.

For information, the case of Pagar Laut in Tangerang is still a public conversation. The reason is behind the fence made of bamboo for 30.16 km.

It turned out that there were certificates of building use rights (SHGB) and title certificates (SHM). In total there are 263 fields in the waters of Tangerang Regency.

Now the Ministry of ATR BPB is still canceling the certificates deemed to have violated procedures. For now, 50 certificates have been canceled by the Ministry of ATR/BPN.

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