NTB - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Dompu in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, has determined the status of an extraordinary incident (KLB) of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).

"This determination follows the death of two children and the increasing number of residents who have contracted dengue fever throughout January 2025," said Head of the Disease Control and Prevention Division (P2P) of the Dompu Regency Health Service (Dinkes), Maria Ulfa when confirmed, Sunday, February 2, confiscated by Antara.

He said this determination was effective from January 30, 2025, based on the Decree of the Head of the Dompu District Health Office.

"The decision is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 1501 of 2010 concerning certain types of infectious diseases that can cause epidemics and prevention efforts," he explained.

Ulfa revealed, as of February 1, 2025, his party recorded 80 residents who were infected with dengue fever in the Dompu Regency area.

"There are two of the highest areas, namely Dompu and Woja sub-districts. Of these, two children were declared dead, while dozens others have recovered, and some are still undergoing intensive care at health facilities," said the woman who is familiarly called Umi Ulfa.

Furthermore, he said, after the determination of the KLB status, his party continued to maximize its role and duties in addressing and handling the problem of dengue cases.

"All cross-sectoral Health Offices have decided on a simultaneous movement. Furthermore, the decision will be contained in the Dompu Regent's appeal letter," he said.

This simultaneous movement, continued Umi Ulfa, is the provision of abate powder in places inundated with water including baths, flower beards and so on with the aim of killing Aedes Aegypti mosquito larvae and preventing the outbreak of dengue fever (Abatization).

"Not only that, the implementation of health services and screening (examination to find out that the body is infected with dengue fever or other diseases)," said Umi Ulfa.

"We also convey to the public that with a cold fever, don't buy medicine at a shop, but you can go directly to the Puskesmas for screening," he continued.

He emphasized that if the disease is treated quickly, it will recover. On the other hand, if it is too late, it will have an impact on workers, even resulting in death for sufferers.

"The death rate will be high, if it is handled late," he explained.

Why not be carried out is an act of infiltration with pesticides aimed at killing mosquitoes at large (fogging).

Umi Ulfa admitted that not all dengue cases were handled by fogging. In fact, fogging is not an anticipatory step for dengue fever. Because, more importantly, the eradication of mosquito nests.

"If fogging only kills adult mosquitoes, millions of mosquito larvae still exist and a few days later the mosquito larvae will become an adult mosquito again. That's why fogging is not the right step," he asked again.

Furthermore, he said that the eradication of mosquito nests is more important and must be done by cleaning up puddles of water inside or outside the house. The dengue mosquito really likes it in a clear water location.

"For example, in the irrigation canal (got), if the water does not flow, plus the presence of plastic or leaves, it will become a breeding ground for mosquito larvae," he explained again.

According to him, the main thing is the activity of cleaning mosquito larvae. This means that cleaning activities must be carried out intensely, especially in the rainy season like this.

"For this reason, there needs to be awareness of the parties, including each community regarding the importance of maintaining cleanliness. The Village Government (Pemdes) in each region should also need to participate in anticipating and overcoming the problem of dengue cases. Because, in the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) budget, there is a budget post for handling dengue problems," he said.

For him to remind all people in Dompu Regency to be aware of the threat of dengue cases.

"Let's remain vigilant by staying intense in maintaining cleanliness and eradicating dengue mosquito larvae," he said.

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