TANGERANG - The lawyer for Kohod Village, Henri revealed that the village head (Kades) of Kohod, Arsin owns 4 houses in Tangerang Regency. This is known to have come from Arsin's confession to his citizens.

"More or less, what we have seen is 4, Kohod, senior, Tanjung burung, lattar, Garuda complex," Henri said when confirmed on Sunday, February 2.

Arsin yang mengakuin sendiri. Dia itu maunya show of, karena Orang Kaya Baru, tambahnya

In addition, Henri said the Kohod village head also owns luxury cars such as Honda Civic, Honda CR-V to Rubicon. Henri said the treasure was obtained after becoming the Kohod village head.

"According to our observations since July 2024, we have seen the garage of the village head with many luxury cars, rubicons, 2 new CRV units, Honda Civic turbo, and others," said Henri.

However, after his name began to become a public conversation after arguing with the Minister of ATR/BPN, Nusron Wahid. The luxury cars have disappeared from the garage of his house.

"After going viral, the vehicle (a luxury car) was allegedly moved to another house belonging to the Arsin Village Head," he said.

For information, the case of the sea fence in Tangerang Regency is currently under the monitoring of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), the Attorney General's Office (Kejagung), the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

On social media, the names of ATR/BPN officials and village heads in Tangerang Regency are widely discussed, including the mention of the name of the Kohod village head, Arsin.

The tongue plate came after the village head of Kohod Arsin argued with the Minister of ATR/BPN Nusron Wahid. Arsin said that the land that is currently the ocean in the case of the sea fence was once an empang.

Not only that, the escort of the Kohod village head, Arsin by a number of people is also in the spotlight. Strict escort makes it difficult for media crews to approach Arsin for questioning regarding the marine fence case.

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