JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ahmad Luthfi's candidate has no problem with the postponement of the inauguration of the regional head which was originally scheduled to be held on February 6, 2025.
"Delayed doesn't matter, the important thing is determination, but in principle with the revocation, 90 percent seems to have been completed," he said after the Ngelakoni Ngopeni Meeting at Kalipe Land in Boyolali, Central Java, Saturday.
While waiting for the inauguration, currently his party continues to shop for problems by going to various regions in Central Java.
"After the revocation (of the lawsuit from the opposing party), we took quick steps by holding a coordination meeting, where we have formed a transition team," he said as quoted by ANTARA.
In this case, his party involves volunteer forums, rector forums, and so on.
"We absorb our aspirations in order to oversee our activities in the future," he said.
Previously, the Minister of Home Affairs Muhammad Tito Karnavian revealed that the inauguration of the non-dispute regional head at the Constitutional Court (MK) was canceled on February 6, 2025.
"The inauguration (regional head) of the non-dispute Constitutional Court, 296, which on February 6 will be combined with the results of the dissal decision," Tito said in a press conference regarding the inauguration of the regional head at the Ministry of Home Affairs Headquarters, Jakarta, Friday.
He explained that the decision to cancel the inauguration was taken in response to the Constitutional Court's interim decision.
The Constitutional Court plans to read out the dissal decision for 310 disputes over the results of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections on February 4 and 5, 2025.
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