JAKARTA - The victim died and was injured in the Brimob Polri bus accident carrying a number of students at SMA Negeri 1 Porong, Sidoarjo at KM 72-73 Pandaan-Malang Toll Road at the Exit of the Purwodadi Toll Road, Pasuruan was evacuated to the Saiful Anwar Hospital (RSSA) Malang.

Head of Public Relations Sub-Division of Saiful Anwar Hospital Dony Iryan Vebry Prasetyo said his party had received seven victims in the unfortunate incident.

"Five victims (bus accidents) are being treated. Two victims died already in the morgue," Dony said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, February 1.

Dony stated that the five injured victims who were treated at Saiful Anwar Hospital consisted of three men and two women.

"The victims who were injured were treated at the RSSA Emergency Installation (IGD) (Saaiful Anwar Hospital), consisting of three men and two women," he said.

Then, he said, for the victims who died in the incident, each consisted of one man and one woman.

"Two victims died who were already in the morgue, that was one man and one woman," he said.

As previously reported, a bus belonging to the Brimob Polri containing a high school 1 student had a single accident at the Purwodadi Toll Exit, Pasuruan. The incident is estimated to have occurred around 11.30 WIB.

Based on police information, one of the dead victims who had been evacuated to Saiful Anwar Hospital or RSSA was the bus driver.

The bus, which brought a group of students from SMA Negeri 1 Porong, Sidoarjo, is known to be planning to head towards Malang, before finally hitting the road divider on the route to Exit Tol Purwodadi.

Based on the data obtained, the bus brought a group of 31 students and two school teachers.

All passengers who survived have been evacuated to several hospitals, namely the Lawang Regional General Hospital, Lawang Medika Hospital, and Prima Husada Hospital.

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