JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that only 145,320 of the 418,665 officials submitted state administrators' assets reports (LHKPN). This data was entered as of Friday, January 31.

"Submission from the LHKPN for the 2024 reporting year, recorded out of a total of 418,665 Mandatory Reports, a total of 145,320 are required to report having submitted their LHKPN or around 33.4 percent," said KPK Spokesperson Team Budi Prasetyo to reporters in his statement quoted on Saturday, February 1.

Budi explained that the number that had reported consisted of new officials in the Red and White Cabinet, regional heads, and elected legislative members.

The anti-corruption commission data states that state administrators are required to report LHKPN consisting of executive, legislative, judicial, and BUMN/BUMD fields.

From the executive sector, only 111,880 people out of a total of 334,437 are required to report who have submitted their wealth reports.

Then in the legislative sector, only 8,121 people or 40.16 percent of the total 20,223 required to report have reported LHKPN.

Meanwhile, in the judiciary sector, 15,552 people or 86.07 percent of the total 18,070 mandatory reports have reported LHKPN.

Then in BUMN/BUMD, only 9.767 people or 21.26 percent of the total 45,935 required to report have reported LHKPN.

This condition makes the KPK remind officials to immediately carry out their obligations. They have until the end of March.

"Penyelenggara negara aktif di bidang eksekutif, legislatif, yudikatif, dan BUMN/BUMD dapat segera menyampaikan LHKPN-nya secara benar dan lengkap melalui laman https://elhkpn.kpk.go.id/ sebelum 31 Maret 2025," tegas Budi.

Masyarakat nantinya juga bisa memantau kepatuhan para pejabat ini. Caranya dengan mengakses https://elhkpn.kpk.go.id/portal/user/petakepatuhan.

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