JAKARTA - President Prabowo Subianto held a limited meeting with a number of ministers of the Red and White Cabinet to discuss strategic steps in land management, especially those related to oil palm plantations.

In the meeting that took place Prabowo's private residence in Hambalang, Bogor, West Java, it was decided that several policies that would soon be implemented to ensure land management was in accordance with applicable regulations.

One of the main decisions in this meeting is the control measures that will be carried out by the Task Force for the Arrangement of Land Use and Investment Planning.

The task force will act in accordance with the regulations that have been set. In addition, ensuring compliance with the rules governing the use of land.

In addition, the Government will also adjust policies for land that have been used for oil palm plantations.

This adjustment will be made by adhering to applicable regulations in order to create a balance between the interests of the environment, economy, and the welfare of the community.

Reported by ANTARA, Friday, January 31, in his direction, the President emphasized the importance of the state's presence in enforcing the rules, in accordance with the mandate of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution (UUD) of the Republic of Indonesia.

Policies related to natural resources must be oriented towards national interests and managed for the greatest prosperity of the people. Therefore, this land arrangement will be carried out with a measured and systematic approach.

The decision that has been agreed upon in this meeting will be followed up and supervised directly by President Prabowo.

Not only that, members of the task force will also carry out their duties in accordance with the established directives. In addition, ensure that the entire process runs in accordance with the principles of good governance.

The government is also committed to maintaining a balance between investment and environmental sustainability in land management.

The steps taken are expected to provide legal certainty for stakeholders and encourage more orderly and national interest-oriented plantation governance.

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