BANDUNG - The Drug Investigation Unit of the Bandung Police, West Java, secured 1.9 million pills in operation for two weeks.
Bandung Police Chief Kombes Aldi Subartono said that millions of pills of hard drugs were secured from 11 suspected dealers from several areas of Bandung Regency.
"From this operation, 11 suspects have been arrested, including two main suspects who are directly related to the distribution of certain large amounts of hard drugs," said Aldi, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 31.
Aldi said the hard drugs were included in groups such as tramadol and eximers that were ready to be circulated in the Greater Bandung area.
He revealed that the statements from the suspects were still being investigated to find the origins of the hard drugs that had been secured.
"The initial assumption suggests that these illicit goods come from outside West Java. We are currently conducting further investigations to uncover the large network behind this circulation," he said.
For their actions, the suspects were charged with Article 435 of Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health, with a maximum prison sentence of 12 years and a fine of up to IDR 5 billion.
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