JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) has accelerated the reading of the final decision on the dispute over the results of the general election for governors, regents and mayors (PHP Kada) or regional election disputes in 2024 from the previous 7'11 March 2025 to 24 February 2025.

The adjustment of the schedule is based on MK Regulation (PMK) Number 1 of 2025 concerning Stages, Activities, and Schedules for Handling Cases of PHP Kada. The PMK, which was signed by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court Suhartoyo on Friday (24/1), replaced the old regulation, namely PMK Number 14 of 2024.

"Later on the final decision is on February 24. So, this is much faster than previously scheduled for March 7 to 11. So there is an acceleration of about two weeks," said Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau of the Constitutional Court Pan Mohamad Faizdilan ANTARA, Friday, January 31.

The acceleration of the schedule is in accordance with the principle of rapid trial (speedy trial). Faiz said that the panel of constitutional judges could examine as many as 310 cases of the 2024 Pilkada dispute efficiently and effectively so that it was faster than the previously determined schedule.

According to Faiz, the acceleration of this schedule is to provide certainty for litigants. PMK 1/2025 which has just been issued is also confirmed not to interfere with the series of trials.

Justru peraturan ini keluar kemudian untuk bisa memfasilitasi persidangan yang schedulenya maju dan tentu ini yang diharapkan. Para pihak tentu ingin adanya kepastian terhadap proses dan hasil persidangan itu seperti apa. Kalau memang sudah siap, kenapa kemudian harus ditunda? tuturnya.

On the other hand, Faiz said that the adjustment of the schedule for the election dispute trial did not take into account the schedule for the inauguration of the elected regional head. However, according to him, the dynamics could occur after a change in schedule at the Constitutional Court.

Faiz said PMK Number 1 of 2025 is the latest regulation regarding the schedule and stages of the 2024 Pilkada dispute that need to be guided. Not only for litigants, but also for stakeholders and policymakers.

"Even if (later) there is a change, there is an explanation, it will really depend on the progress of case handling and must be decided by the judge's deliberation meeting," said Faiz.

Previously, based on PMK 14/2024, the pronunciation of the final decision of the 2024 Pilkada dispute was scheduled for March 11, 2025. In PMK 1/2025, the schedule was accelerated to February 24, 2025.

Based on the latest PMK, the schedule for reading the verdict of the death or absence of a case has also been accelerated, from February 11 to February 11 to February 4. That way, the schedule for the follow-up evidentiary trial for cases that did not die has also changed, which is to February 7, 2024.

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