JAKARTA - The Banten Police Ditreskrimsus appointed the President Director of PT. Trikencana Sakti Utama, namely BS as a suspect in the alleged corruption of the 2020 Warnasari Port access construction project managed by PT. Cilegon Mandiri Port.

The Director of Criminal Investigation at the Banten Police, Kombes Yudhis Wibisana, revealed that the results of the BPKP Banten Representative audit of the project, which has a contract value of Rp. 39.1 billion, showed considerable state losses due to projects that did not meet specifications.

"Based on the results of an audit from the Banten Representative BPKP, the state suffered a loss of Rp. 3,223,562,678.32 due to projects that did not meet the specifications and reduction in work volume," said Yudhis, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 31.

According to him, BS did not carry out several main works as determined in the contract.

The suspect BS did not carry out several main works, such as surface layers, intermediate layers, and foundation layers. In addition, there is a lack of volume of cerucuk installation up to 11,720 meters and a geotextile separator class 2 of 6,957.30 meters," he said.

In this case, investigators have secured a number of pieces of evidence, including a copy of the legalization of the Cilegon City Regulation No. 4 of 2012 concerning the addition of regional capital participation to several BUMDs, including PT. PCM.

Then a copy of the legalization of proof of transfer of funds from the Cilegon City Government to PT. PCM in 2016 worth IDR 98 billion.

Furthermore, the contract document for the construction of the Colorasari Port 1 access road between PT. AMKA'PT. TKSU'IDEC.KSO, payment/disbursement documents for the construction of the Warnasari Port road access project.

Then the deed of establishment and the regional regulation for the establishment of PT. PCM, and the results of the audit of the calculation of state losses (PKN) conducted by the Banten Representative BPKP related to this project.

BS is threatened with being charged with Article 2 and Article 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

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