JAKARTA - Member of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR from the PKB faction, Ahmad Fauzi, asked the government to strictly regulate Indonesian migrant worker distribution companies. He suggested that every company sending migrant workers abroad must have a training institution.

Fauzi conveyed the proposal regarding the preparation of the Bill on the Third Amendment to Law No. 18 of 2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI). The points for the preparation of the PMI Bill have been conveyed by Baleg Experts at the DPR building, Senayan, Thursday, January 30.

According to Fauzi, the article in the PMI Protection Bill that regulates migrant worker distribution companies is very normative. So it is necessary to specify which companies are allowed to distribute workers abroad.

"I want to highlight articles related to private companies that recruit and send migrant workers very normatively, only as point legal entities. Why don't you elaborate on the conditions so that the conditions are not normative," Fauzi told reporters, Friday, January 31.

Fauzi said that many of the problems of migrant workers were caused by the company sending being incompetent. The company is unprofessional and irresponsible of workers sent abroad.

For example, recently on TikTok there was labor torture in Saudi Arabia. The Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah looks for an address that is difficult. This means that companies that deploy migrant workers must be given complete terms and pillars, and in more detail," he explained.

In addition to the article that must regulate labor distribution companies in detail, Fauzi also proposes competency requirements that must be owned by migrant workers sent abroad. First, is language competence.

"Workers must master the language of the country which is the purpose of placement," said the Banten I electoral district legislator.

Second, workers must master competencies that are in accordance with the work sector that will be carried out in the country of placement destination. Third, migrant workers must know the culture of the work destination country.

"The three competencies must be included in the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Bill," said Fauzi.

"So don't let the origin of recruitment, as long as you want, as long as you are complete, as long as you have a diploma, as long as you can send it without knowing the culture of the workplace. For example, Thai culture, Filipino culture. In fact, they don't even know the intended state language," added the chairman of the Banten PKB DPW.

Therefore, Fauzi suggested that the Migrant worker delivery company have a registered and accredited training institution.

The labor company must have a workshop, create a training institution that is recorded and accredited. Being able to educate prospective workers, at least know the local language, know local culture, so that they become skilled workers and do not find obstacles," he said.

Fauzi also asked the government to continue to control and supervise the company sending migrant workers. So far, he said, there are companies that are not responsible.

"When the migrant worker's tenure runs out, the sending company does not want to take care of it, so the worker becomes an illegal worker. Especially when the worker is in conflict with his employer, then he is dumped in the middle of the road. The worker ends up hanging around in someone's country. This is what often happens. Such problems don't happen again," concluded Fauzi.

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