JAKARTA - Jakarta Governor elected Pramono Anung admitted that he had received many complaints from the public regarding the Jakarta flood problem. In fact, at this time he has not been inaugurated and led Jakarta.

A few days ago, dozens of RTs and roads in Jakarta were flooded due to heavy rains since last Tuesday, January 28. The flood only receded at all points two days later.

"I have not yet appointed, my IG, my TikTok, my WA, currently there are always many complaints, especially related to floods," said Pramono in the Ancol area, North Jakarta, Friday, January 31.

Pramono said that the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta who has led for the past few years has the authority that is not as wide as the definitive governor of the election results.

"Frankly, PJ's authority is not like a full governor, there must be obstacles. But last night the Chinese New Year had extraordinary rainfall and I directly also monitored it in the field," said Pramono.

Therefore, Pramono ensured that the prevention of Jakarta floods was a special concern, even being included in his 40 priority programs while serving as Governor of Jakarta.

The former Cabinet Secretary emphasized that he would resume handling the floods that had been carried out in the previous governor's era, such as Fauzi Bowo, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), to Anies Baswedan.

"Improvement of water ropes, then drainage, and must be explored regularly as did Pak Ahok and Mas Anies, infiltration wells, everything is done for Jakarta," said Pramono.

"From Bang Foke, there is an extraordinary but not well maintained East Flood Canal. We will allocate special funds to repair floods of east canals so that they become places, including we will open 24-hour Parks in East Flood Canal," he added.

In addition, Pramono will also run a tidal flood management program that he initiated, namely Giant Mangrove Wall, as a coastal flood-retaining sea embankment. Giant Mangrove Wall will be built in tandem with Giant Sea Wall which has been planned by the central government.

"The cooperation between the central government and the Jakarta government must be continued, because that is where the source of fresh water will be taken. Then also so that the water level does not continue to fall every time," he added.

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