JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, asked the public to give the government the opportunity to perfect the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program.

This was said by Puan in response to criticism of MBG where there are still various issues related to President Prabowo Subianto's flagship program.

"This program is still new, I'm sure the government still has a lot to evaluate and perfect," said Puan in her statement, Friday, January 31.

As is known, various incidents related to the MBG program have attracted public attention over the past two weeks. Starting from the menu that reaps pros and cons, to the phenomenon of poisoning because food is not processed properly.

Not only that, many partners of the Free Nutrition Food program are known to have resigned because they were not paid by the National Nutrition Agency (BGN). According to Puan, the new program certainly still requires various improvements, especially in terms of technical matters.

"So we give the Government the opportunity to evaluate and perfect. Of course, a new program needs a lot to do in the technicalities in the field," said Puan.

On the other hand, the Government plans to increase the budget for the Free Nutrition Food program to target more recipients. Because, so far only a few children have experienced free nutritious meals.

The number of recipients of MBG will be increased gradually, in accordance with budget readiness and the Nutrition Fulfillment Service Unit (SPPG). Puan also ensured that the DPR would continue to properly oversee the MBG program to ensure that the Free Nutrition Eating program was really beneficial to the community.

"We are still escorting the DPR for the Government to conduct evaluations so that later it will really benefit the community, especially children," said Puan.

Puan also appreciated the 100-day performance of President Prabowo's government which received a positive response from the public. The chairman of the PDIP DPP said that the trust from the people must be used as a challenge for the Government to be able to work better.

"I appreciate this, but this is also a challenge for President Prabowo's government. That even though it is not 100 days, in the future the Government must of course be able to carry out this government as well as possible in carrying out all its programs for the welfare of the people," concluded Puan.

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