JAKARTA - Minister of Environment (LH) Hanif Faisol Nurofiq said he was ready to take firm action against violators of regulations related to the environment, including sea and unlicensed reclamation activities such as what happened in Bekasi waters, West Java.
"We will take firm action against all forms of violations of environmental regulations, including sea and reclamation activities that do not have a permit," said LH/Head of the Environmental Control Agency (BPLH) Hanif Faisol Nurofiq as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, January 30.
This was conveyed by Minister Hanif after directly leading an inspection into the waters of Bekasi Regency regarding the alleged sea fencing and reclamation without permission today. The inspection is a follow-up to the verification of the Deputy for Environmental Law Enforcement (Gakkum) KLH which has been carried out since January 15, 2025 in Paljaya Village, Segara Jaya Village, Tarumajaya District.
The KLH deepening found that an area of about 3 hectares had been reclamationd by PT Tunas Ruang Pelabuhan Nusantara (PT TRPN) which claimed to be part of the "land restoration" project and a bamboo fence structure of about 5 kilometers was also found to support the mounds.
It is suspected that the sand was dredged from a nearby location with heavy equipment. Further investigation shows that the project was carried out by PT TRPN and PT Mega Agung Nusantara (PT MAN) in collaboration with the West Java Provincial Marine and Fisheries Service for the development of port flow and land restoration.
However, explained Hanif, the project is known to have no Environmental Approval documents as required by applicable regulations.
"The sea protection and dredging of sea sand have the potential to reduce water quality, improve sedimentation, disrupt fishermen's activities, and risk causing socio-economic conflicts in the region," said Minister Hanif.
As a follow-up, Hanif has instructed the Deputy for Gakkum KLH to conduct further investigations on PT TRPN, PT MAN, as well as the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service of West Java Province.
The illegal reclamation action has the potential to be subject to administrative, criminal, and/or civil sanctions. In accordance with Article 82A of Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, business actors who do not have a permit may be subject to administrative sanctions.
In addition, Article 90 Paragraph 1 allows the government to file a claim for compensation for companies that cause pollution or environmental damage. As for Article 98 Paragraph 1 regulates criminal threats for perpetrators who cause environmental pollution, with a prison sentence of between 3 and 10 years and a fine of between Rp. 3 billion to Rp. 10 billion.
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