During the meeting, the DPR Baleg Expert Team, Mansyur read out the substance of the third amendment to Law No. 18 of 2017 concerning PMI Protection. Mansyur revealed that what is the background in the framework of drafting a revision, namely the transfer of authority to protect PMI from the Ministry of Manpower to the Ministry of Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers requires adjustments to the regulations in Law No. 18 of 2017.

The transfer of authority creates legal uncertainty, including regarding the authority to manage the placement and protection of Indonesian migrant workers.

Then regarding the PMI protection system, it is not optimal. Where PMI has not been protected from human trafficking practices including slavery and forced labor, victims of violence, arbitrariness, crimes against human dignity, as well as other treatments that violate human rights.

Next, Law No. 18 of 2017 has not provided maximum economic and social legal protection for PMI and its families either before or during departure or after Purna.

"Then there is another problem with the PMI protection service information system. The development of digital technology will facilitate protection services for PMI, including in emergency situations," said Mansyur at the Baleg plenary meeting, Thursday, January 30.

Lastly related to non-procedural PMIs. Most of the PMIs who often have problems abroad because they depart do not go through the correct or unprocedural procedures. As a result, PMI does not get maximum protection services from the state.

Karena itu, perlu penyesuaian dalam UU tersebut. Yakni pertama, penyesuaian kelembagaan/nomenklatur dari badan menjadi Kementerian. Dua, penambahan pengaturan terkait dengan fungsi promosi dan pemanfaatan peluang kerja terkait dengan pemasaran. Tiga, penyesuaian nomenklatur atnaker berubah menjadi kantor perlindungan PMI.

"Empat, penyesuaian istilah menjadi awak Kapal Perikanan Migran dan awak Kapal Niaga Migran. Lima, perluasan cakupan PMI dengan menambah peserta magang. Enam, distribusi informasi peluang kerja luar negeri oleh P3MI bekerja sama dengan Kementerian LTSA, UPT, Pemda dan desa.

"Seven, strengthening protection before work. Eight, strengthening protection while working. Nine, strengthening protection after work. Ten, strengthening social security participation," said Mansyur.

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