BEKASI - A video showing a crocodile entering a resident's house during a flood in the Babelan area, Bekasi, has gone viral on social media.

In the video uploaded by one of the TikTok accounts, it is narrated that the crocodile has a length of about 1.5 meters. The replica entered the living room.

In addition, it is also narrated that the crocodile entered the residents' houses because it was carried away by overflowing water. Because, at that time there was a flood.

Related to this, the Head of Emergency and Logistics of BPBD Bekasi Regency, Dodi Supriadi, said the video was not true or a hoax. Because, from the search results, it was not found that a crocodile entered a resident's house at this time.

"I confirmed that earlier to Babelan District, there was no such incident there. For now, yes," said Dodi to VOI, Wednesday, January 29.

Not only that, based on its searches on social media, it turns out that a similar video was also uploaded several years ago.

"I checked on TikTok, it turns out that 2022 with the same video, there has been a post," he said.

Meanwhile, when asked about the actual location of the incident, Dodi could not confirm yet. The reason is that in the investigation, no details were found regarding this matter.

"It wasn't detailed at first, but the language and location of the area are the same, but the place doesn't know yet," said Dodi.

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