JAKARTA - Propam Polda Metro Jaya will complete an investigation into alleged violations of the code of ethics committed by the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Bintoro, regarding the alleged extortion, in the near future. Then, immediately hold a trial of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) as a follow-up.

"Bid Propam Polda Metro Jaya will complete a joint investigation with Paminal and immediately conduct a code of ethics trial against the person concerned," said Head of Propam Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Radjo Alriadi Harahap, to reporters, Wednesday, January 29.

In addition, Radjo also conveyed the progress of handling the alleged violation of the code of ethics. So far, the party suspected of being the victim of extortion by AKBP Bintoro has been investigated.

However, details have not been conveyed regarding the results of the examination, including the value of extortion. It was only conveyed about the discovery of other allegations of involvement in the series of extortion cases.

"We have also clarified the victim and found the involvement of other parties in this case," he said.

Dalam penanganan kasus ini, Polda Metro Jaya mendapat asistensi dari Paminal Divisi Propam Polri. Sehingga, dipastikan pengusutan kasus tersebut akan transparan.

"The investigation process at Paminal Polda Metro Jaya is carried out with the assistance of the Paminal Bureau of the DivPropam Polri," said Radjo.

Meanwhile, in this case, not only AKBP Bintoro was prosecuted by Propam Polda Metro Jaya. However, there are three other policemen who are members of the Polres Metro Jakarta Selatam.

They are G who is also the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, Z as the Head of Resmob Satreskrim and ND who is the Head of Subunit Resmob Satreskrim.

"4 people have been summoned (special placements) in the investigation stage at the Propam Bid Polda Metro Jaya, on suspicion of abuse of authority," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi.

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