TANGERANG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Tangerang City, Banten reported that six flood points had serious impacts. The highest flood overflow height reached 1.5 meters, which officers were handling.

Acting Head of Tangerang City BPBD Ubaidillah Anshar in Tangerang, Wednesday, said the flood points were in Benda and Neglasari Districts with a height of up to 150 centimeters Perum Mas IX Airport Block Z Selapajang Jaya.

Meanwhile, in Benda District there are five points, namely Rawa Bokor RT 004 RW 004, Rawa Bokor RW 004 RW 010 Benda Village, Gg Pemuda RT 004 RW 08 Jurumudi Village, RW 006 RW 007 Jurumudi Baru Village, and Perum Alam Raya RT 006 RW 011 Jurumudi Village.

"In Benda District, the average water level reaches 100 centimeters. In this location, residents have been evacuated at several points, namely the Fire Station, Benda Village Office, Jami Al Barkah Mosque, Al Furqon Mosque, Al Asnhor Taklim Council, and As Syuhada Mushala," said Ubaidillah quoting ANTARA, January 29.

He added that all joint officers had been deployed since yesterday by handling floodgates, pump houses, and evacuating or securing residents to evacuate.

Due to heavy rains with long time intensity in the Tangerang area since 17.00 WIB Tuesday (28/1), there were 15 points of inundation and flooding in Tangerang City.

"Drainage at 15 affected points is directly handled by the DPUPR and other related OPDs, now the remaining ones are quite severe, namely Neglasari and Benda," he said.

Tangerang City community who need assistance related to disasters and emergency events, Tangerang City BPBD has emergency services at call center 112 and 24-hour picket number Mako BPBD Tangerang City Command Post 021-5582-144.

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