TANGERANG - There are three major monasteries that received special attention during the security of the Chinese New Year according to the Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol. Zain Dwi Nugroho because of the large number of worshipers.

The three monasteries that received extra security were Boen Tek Bio Vihara, in the Old Market Area, then Boen San Bio Vihara, Pasar Baru Road Kawawan and Yoen San Bio Vihara in Neglasari Area, Tangerang City.

"The higher and the greater the number of pilgrims and their activities, the number of personnel is also increased according to the potential for vulnerabilities for disturbances in Kamtibmas," said Kombes Pol. Zain, quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, January 29.

Security activities, continued the Police Chief, were also carried out at 24 other Vihara locations that carried out worship activities out of a total of 52 houses of worship in the jurisdiction of the Tangerang City Metro Police.

His party has also held a coordination meeting with vihara managers who will carry out worship and other stakeholders related to security that will be carried out in their area.

"We also involved the Metro Jaya Police bomb disposal team (Jibom) to carry out sterilization in the Vihara-Vihara to ensure security before the implementation of worship," he said.

It should be noted that the Tangerang City Metro Police have 347 joint personnel deployed regarding the security of the Chinese New Year consisting of police personnel, TNI, Dishub, Satpol PP, BPBD, Health Office, Senkom, Pokdarkamtibmas and Saka bhayangkara deployed in the region.

Based on information, Boen Tek Bio and Nimmala Boen San Bio will carry out worship since Tuesday (28/1) at 23.00 WIB until Wednesday, January 29, 2025.

Agus Hidayat as the Board of Vihara Nimmala Boen San Bio added that the 2576/2025 Chinese New Year worship series began with general prayers, art performances and lantern parties starting at 20.00 WIB.

Furthermore, joint prayers will be held from 23.00 WIB to 24.00 WIB. Prayers are offered to express gratitude to God Almighty and the Gods.

"We estimate that as many as 5,000 people will worship at the Nimmala Boen San Bio Vihara," said Agus.

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