JAKARTA - Some areas of Jakarta have since Tuesday been hit by floods caused by extreme and very heavy rains which make waterways unable to accommodate incoming water. This was revealed by the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).

"The existing water flow exceeds the capacity of the capacity so that it overflows causing inundation (flood)," said Head of the Data and Information Center (Kapusdatin) of the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Mohamad Yohan in Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 29.

He said that from Tuesday (28/1) to early Wednesday, extreme rain occurred in Jakarta, and this was the cause of flooding in the area.

According to him, from the latest data, flooding in Jakarta still inundated 52 RTs and 22 roads in North, South, East, West, and Central Jakarta.

The latest DKI Jakarta BPBD data, areas that are still flooded include West Jakarta, there are 22 RTs consisting of: Cengkareng Barat 2 Neighborhoods, Kedaung Kali Angke 11 Neighborhoods, Rawa Buaya 4 Neighborhoods, Jelambar Baru 2 Neighborhoods, Kalideres 2 Neighborhoods, Pegadungan 1 Neighborhood Association, and Tegal Alur Village 5 Neighborhoods.

"The water level ranges from 30 centimeters to 100 centimeters," said Yohan.

Then, Central Jakarta has one RT located in Kebon Blank Village. South Jakarta has 4 RTs located in Pejaten Timur Village.

Next, East Jakarta is located in 20 RTs consisting of: East Cakung Village 1 RT, Rawa Terate 1 RT, Chinese Bidara 3 RT, Cawang 14 RT, and Cililitan Village 1 RT.

He added that the DKI Jakarta BPBD mobilized personnel to monitor inundation conditions in each region and coordinate with elements of the Natural Resources Service, Bina Marga Service, Gulkarmat Service to carry out suction.

In addition, he also asked personnel in the field to check water lines so that they function properly involving the village head and sub-district head of each region.

"Our target is that the inundation can recede quickly," he concluded.

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