The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of East Jakarta City said several residents were displaced due to three Neighborhood Units (RT) in Bidara Cina Village, Jatinegara District, which was flooded with water levels of 50 to 70 centimeters (cm).

"Information on puddles until 06.00 WIB on Wednesday, January 29, the flood heights in three RTs in Bidara Cina, Jatinegara from 50 centimeters to 70 centimeters," said Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Regional, East Jakarta, Sukendar, quoted by Antara.

Tiga RT di Bidara Cina, Jatinegara yang terendam banjir itu antara lain Jalan Gg. Macan RT 05/RW 07 dengan ketinggian air 70 cm, Jalan Baiduri Bulan RT006/RW011 dengan ketinggian 50 cm, dan Jalan Baiduri Bulan RT012/RW003 dengan ketinggian 50 cm.

As a result of the flood, as many as 50 people on Jalan Cempaka VI RT 007 and 008 RW 009, East Cakung, Cakung fled to a safer place at the Al-Jihad Mosque.

This flood has occurred due to high rainfall in DKI Jakarta since 21.30 WIB and overflowing Ciliwung River.

"The puddle is below 30 cm, while the flood is above 30 cm. We have been data since 21.30 WIB and we continue to monitor and update it," said Sukendar.

Even though it is currently a long weekend holiday plus the Isra Mikraj and Chinese New Year holidays, disaster management officers are still deployed to monitor the area and assist in handling inundation.

BPBD DKI Jakarta mobilizes personnel to monitor inundation conditions in each region and coordinate elements of the Natural Resources Service, Highways Office, Gulkarmat Service to conduct inundation suction and ensure water lines function properly together with the local village heads and sub-district heads.

The following is data on inundation and flooding in the East Jakarta area due to heavy rains on Tuesday (28/1) until 06.00 WIB:

1. Jalan Pemuda III No.50, RT 13/RW 2, Rawamangun, Pulo Gadung.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

21.30 WIB: 30 cm

22.30 WIB: 0 cm (sort)

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity

2. Jalan Gg. Tigers RT 05/RW 07, Bidara Cina, Jatinegara

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

21.30 WIB: 20 cm

00.00 WIB: 40 cm

At 02.00 WIB: 80 cm

04.00 WIB: 90 cm

At 05.00 WIB: 80 cm

06.00 WIB: 70 cm

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity and overflow of Ciliwung River

3. Flyover Street in front of the Milling TPU, Pulogadung

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

21.20 WIB: 30 cm

At 02.30 WIB: 0 cm (sort)

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity

4. Jalan Bujana Tirta (dot known Customs), East Pisangan, Pulogadung

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

22.20 WIB: 30 cm

At 02.20 WIB: 0 cm (sequence)

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity

5. Jalan Haji Maliki RT 011, 009, 010, 012/RW 05, Cawang, Kramat Jati

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

21.00 WIB: 20 cm

00.20 WIB: 45 cm

04.00 WIB: 35 Cm

0.00 WIB: 25 cm

06.00 WIB: 15 cm

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity and overflow of Ciliwung River

6. Jalan Taman Harapan RT 002, 004, 015/RW 03, Cawang, Kramat Jati

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

21.00 WIB: 15 cm

00.20 WIB: 40 cm

04.00 WIB: 30 Cm

At 05.00 WIB: 20 cm

06.00 WIB: 15 cm

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity and overflow of Ciliwung River

7. Jalan Tanjung Sanyang RT 001, 002, 004, 005, 006, 008, 009/RW 08, Cawang, Kramat Jati

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

21.00 WIB: 10 cm

00.20 WIB: 30 cm

04.00 WIB: 25 Cm

At 05.00 WIB: 15 cm

06.00 WIB: 10 cm

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity and overflow of Ciliwung River

8. Jalan Musholla Al Hikmah RT 06/RW 07, Cililitan, Kramat Jati

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

At 20.10 WIB: 20 cm

22.15 WIB: 20 cm

23.00 WIB: 60 cm

00.00 WIB: 50 cm

At 01.00 WIB: 50 cm

At 02.00 WIB: 60 cm

03.00 WIB: 50 cm

At 04.00 WIB: 40 cm

At 05.00 WIB: 30 cm

06.00 WIB: 20 cm

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity and overflow of Ciliwung River

9. Seruni Street I RT 01/RW 06, Cililitan, Kramat Jati

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

At 20.10 WIB: 15 cm

22.15 WIB: 15 cm

00.00 WIB: 50 cm

At 01.00 WIB: 50 cm

At 02.00 WIB: 50 cm

03.00 WIB: 40 cm

At 04.00 WIB: 30 cm

At 05.00 WIB: 20 Cm

06.00 WIB: 10 cm

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity and overflow of Ciliwung River

10. Kayu Tinggi Inspection Road RT 001/RW 003, East Cakung, Cakung

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

At 20.12 WIB: 20 cm

23.21 WIB: 0 cm (sequence)

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity

11. Jalan Cempaka VI RT 007 and 008 RW 009, Cakung Timur, Cakung

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

21.22 WIB: 60 cm

00.03 WIB: 60 Cm

01.40 WIB: 50 Cm

04.30 WIB: 40 cm

05.00 WIB: 35 Cm

06.00 WIB: 30 cm

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity

12. Jalan Kramayudha Kp. Petukangan RT 10/RW 05, Rawa terate, Cakung

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

21.30 WIB: 40 cm

00.40 WIB: 40 Cm

01.40 WIB: 40 Cm

At 02.50 WIB: 30 Cm

At 03.50 WIB: 30 Cm

04.00 WIB: 30 Cm

At 05.00 WIB: 30 cm

06.00 WIB: 30 cm

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity

13. Jalan Baiduri Bulan RT006/RW011, Bidara Cina, Jatinegara*

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

00.42 WIB: 45 cm

At 02.00 WIB: 75 Cm

04.00 WIB: 85 cm

05.00 WIB: 65 cm

06.00 WIB: 50 cm

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity and overflow of Ciliwung River

14. Jalan Baiduri Bulan RT012/RW003, Bidara Cina, Jatinegara

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

00.42 WIB: 45 cm

At 02.00 WIB: 75 Cm

04.00 WIB: 85 cm

05.00 WIB: 65 cm

06.00 WIB: 50 cm

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity and overflow of Ciliwung River

15. Jalan Gg. Tigers RT 14/RW 07, Bidara Cina, Jatinegara

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

02.30 WIB: 25 cm

At 04.00 WIB: 25 cm

At 05.00 WIB: 15 cm

06.00 WIB: 10 cm

Cause: Rainfall with moderate intensity and overflow of Ciliwung River

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