KATINGAN - Minister of Environment (LH) Hanif Faisol Nurofiq emphasized that his party will immediately investigate 41 thousand hectares of land that was observed damaged in the Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan (Kalteng).

"We will immediately conduct an investigation and law enforcement measures related to this matter. Lastly, we checked from satellite imagery the area is sufficient, almost 41 thousand hectares in the Katingan area or almost a few areas of Jakarta," said Hanif during a working visit in Kasongan, Katingan Regency, Antara, Tuesday, January 28.

Based on satellite imagery, approximately 41 thousand hectares of land in Katingan Regency, environmental damage occurred. One of them is desertification or land acquisition allegedly the result of illegal gold miners.

"So it seems that every year it can increase in size," said Hanif.

The Minister of Environment together with the ranks at that time carried out a visit to the location of the Small-Scale Gold Mining or desertification (PESK) in Hampalit Village, Katingan Hilir District, Katingan Regency.

Hanif Faisol Nurofiq emphasized that regarding the handling of environmental damage, his party would coordinate more intensively with the Minister of Forestry, the Minister of Human Resources, the National Police Chief, the TNI Commander and the Governor of Central Kalimantan and the Regent of Katingan to take joint steps.

"There are two things that we highlight here, especially this area is the ecology of the civil tree. So once it is opened like this, it is almost difficult to come back and there must be our intervention," he said.

Second, he continued, the use of racsa water or called mercury pollutes the soil or into the Katingan River. According to him, this condition is very dangerous for the health of humans and ecosystems around the river.

He reiterated that he would immediately take steps with serious handling to carry out investigations, follow-up related to parties who know and are responsible for environmental damage.

His party will also initiate intensive communication investigations with concession owners in Katingan Regency.

"I emphasize that we will stop the management at this location immediately. So whoever does the damage, must restore it. So we will know about this step, after we carry out further investigations," he said.

The Minister of Environment also asked his staff and the authorities to immediately find and secure who the perpetrators must be responsible for the environmental conditions.

Meanwhile, Acting (Pj) Regional Secretary Katingan Deddy Ferras, said that the Katingan Regency Government in principle supports what the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia is doing. It's just that the authority of the Katingan Regency Government to mining has been withdrawn.

"So the Minister asked about the amount and area. Because we are limited in authority, so we are still waiting for action from the center and provinces that have that authority. The hope is that this decline will have to stop for a long time. The Minister has emphasized it," explained Deddy Ferras.

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