JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the DPR from the Golkar faction, Yahya Zaini, urged the Ministry of Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (P2MI) to immediately form a work attach (atnaker) abroad. The reason is, so far the Atnaker has been under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) but is filled with people at the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker).
"Atnakers must coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because it places the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but the person is from the Ministry of Manpower. Now the person must be from the KPMI," said Yahya Zaini when contacted on Saturday, January 25.
Yahya said that P2MI Minister Abdul Kadir Karding had coordinated with Foreign Minister Sugiono to discuss the PMI attach. Currently there are 12atnakers spread abroad.
"I hope it will be replaced by the Attache from PMI soon," he said.
The Golkar legislator for the East Java electoral district assessed that the existence of PMI attaches is very important to provide protection for Indonesian migrant workers. Because they will directly supervise all PMIs in the country.
"On the other hand, PMI has a complaint place in case of a case with an employer. For example, the job is not in accordance with the contract, the salary is not paid until the case of violence against PMI," said Yahya.
Previously, it was reported that P2MI Minister Abdul Kadir Karding met with Foreign Minister Sugiono to hold a coordination meeting to discuss strengthening protection for migrant workers to the matter of representatives from the Ministry of P2MI who sit as Atnaker (Atase Ketenagakerjaan).
The Karding and Sugiono meeting was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jalan Taman Pejambon, Jakarta, Monday, January 13.
There are several issues related to the protection of migrant workers discussed by Minister Karding and Foreign Minister Sugiono. Moreover, the issue of migrant workers has become a special concern for President Prabowo Subianto.
Foreign Minister Sugiono explained that his ministry was indeed cross-coordinating with the government for foreign affairs, especially regarding migrant workers. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of P2MI will immediately align the arrival data and the presence of migrant workers.
With the naming of SISKOP2MI data with Portal Peduli WNI, Minister Karding is increasingly optimistic that the strengthening of the protection of migrant workers in the future will be better.
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also supports the proposal submitted by the Ministry of P2MI regarding the assignment of KP2MI representatives as Atnakers in the countries where migrant workers are placed," said Karding in a statement received by VOI.
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