JAKARTA - Deputy for Enforcement and Development of the Ability of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Inspector General Pol. Ibnu Suhaendra mentioned that BNPT's work program in preventing terrorism in 2025 is closer to the community and has a direct impact.
Ibnu emphasized the importance of aligning the BNPT work program, especially in its deputy, with President Prabowo Subianto's Astacita Mission.
"It is hoped that this year's work program will bring BNPT closer to the community through various programs that have a direct impact and avoid excessive ceremonial activities," said Ibnu while chairing a working meeting in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 22, quoted by Antara from a written statement Friday, January 24.
Ibnu also emphasized that the activities of the directorate under its deputy, which are not confidential, need to be published to the media.
This step, he said, aims to show the existence of BNPT as well as a form of transparency and accountability to the community.
The Deputy for Enforcement and Development of BNPT's Ability to hold a Working Meeting in 2025 to discuss various strategic agendas in counter-terrorism efforts that will be carried out throughout 2025.
A number of the main agendas discussed in the working program and achievement targets in each directorate, including the Directorate of Capability Development, the Directorate of Law Enforcement, and the Directorate of Enforcement.
"Hopefully all work units in the Deputy for Enforcement and Development of BNPT's Ability can carry out their duties properly and achieve the targets that have been set," he said.
With the various strategic steps discussed in the working meeting, the Deputy for Enforcement and Development of BNPT's Ability emphasized its commitment to continue to strengthen BNPT's duties and functions as well as establish closeness with the community in efforts to counter terrorism in Indonesia.
As for countering terrorism, BNPT emphasized the two points of Astacita's mission, namely the first point, strengthening the ideology of Pancasila, democracy, and human rights (HAM).
In addition, the eighth point is to strengthen the life of tolerance between religious believers to achieve a just and prosperous society.
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