JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Arrmanatha Ch. Nasir said that preventing and overcoming terrorism requires a comprehensive approach in line with the UN Charter and international law.

"Terrorism continues to be a global threat that has an impact on security situations and hinders development, including in Africa," said the Indonesian Deputy Foreign Minister at an Open Session at the UN Security Council discussing counter-terrorism in Africa, citing a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on January 23.

he further explained that as a country that has experienced terrorism attacks, Indonesia fully understands that preventing and overcoming terrorism requires a comprehensive approach.

According to him, various steps that prioritize the principle of national ownership and a 'soft approach' strategy that is in line with the UN Charter and international law must also be a priority.

"Indonesia's experience also shows the importance of overcoming the root causes of terrorism and violent-based extremism," he said.

In particular, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia emphasized that the high public awareness of injustice and humanity today can be one of the factors that encourage the development of terrorism in the modern era.

To share experiences, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia conveyed steps in overcoming the root causes of terrorism at various levels.

At the national level, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs said efforts were needed to prioritize dialogue, tolerance, and moderation values. He also emphasized the importance of policies related to digital literacy, counseling, and critical thinking skills to protect the public from dangerous ideologies.

"National policy must also include efforts to tackle the financing aspects of terrorism and violent-based extremism," said the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.

At the regional level, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia emphasized the need to prioritize regional mechanisms in efforts to counter terrorism. The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs also conveyed his commitment to support related initiatives in African Union countries, including the Noauckhott Process and the Accra Initiative.

Indonesia's support for African countries has been carried out through a capacity building program within the framework of the Jakarta Center for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC). "This support reflects Indonesia's commitment as a reliable African partner," said the Ambassador who is familiarly called Pak Tata.

Meanwhile, at the global level, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia said that the exchange of information and the best practices to increase efforts to counter terrorism among law enforcement officers remains the key.

"Terrorism knows no boundaries. Therefore, cooperation at the global level is very important," he said.

On this occasion, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia also invited the international community to support Africa in developing solutions to address its own security problems, including preventing terrorism and cross-bordered crimes.

It is known that the open debate between the UN DK this time was led by Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf. As the President of the UN DK in January, Algeria has placed the issue of countering terrorism as one of its priority issues.

The meeting this time was also attended by 10 (ten) countries at the ministerial and deputy ministerial levels, including Sierra Leone, Somalia, Panama, Rwanda, Angola and South Sudan.

Indonesia's active participation in the UN DK Open Debate Session this time reflects Indonesia's readiness to share experiences in the field of counter-terrorism which continues to show positive results and gain recognition from the international community.

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