JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab's lawyer, Sugito Atmo Prawiro, responded to the witness's statement regarding the absence of permission during the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the Markaz Syariah Agro-Cultural Islamic Boarding School in Megamendung.

According to him, the event does not need to apply for a permit. Because the event was only for the internal boarding school party.

"This is an internal pesantren event, so it doesn't have to be a permit. But the committee informed that there was a way to lay the groundwork. For an internal event, the pesantren's full rights are," Sugito told reporters, Monday, April 19.

Sugito also said that in the event only pesantren managers were invited to attend. But in reality, Rizieq Shihab's sympathizers came and made the crowd.

"It was only boarding school administrators and a few people who were invited to attend, but the effect of being present was beyond the capacity of the committee," he said.

This was because the invitation to the event was circulated via WhatAapp short message. The management of the Islamic boarding school could not anticipate the crowds who attended without their knowledge.

"It was also announced in the media. It is possible that this will cause the masses to come uninvited," he said.

Previously reported, the Head of the Bogor Regency Head of Satpol PP, Agus Ridho, said that the first rock-popping event for the construction of the Markaz Syariah Agro-cultural Islamic Boarding School in Megamendung did not have a permit. According to him, there is no application or application for an event permit.

Initially, the public prosecutor (JPU) questioned whether there was no permit. Agus also loudly replied that there had never been a permit issued regarding this activity

"Did the program at that time have a permit?" asked the prosecutor during a trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Monday, April 19

"Nothing," said Agus.

The prosecutor mentioned whether there was an agreement between the event committee and the Bogor Regency Government. Agus again emphasized that there was no such party.

"Have they signed an agreement to adhere to health protocols? Are there any preparations related to health care?" asked the prosecutor.

"Nothing, sir," answered Agus.

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