JAKARTA - Acting (Pj) DKI Jakarta Provincial Governor Teguh Setyabudi instructed regional development banks (BPD) of Bank DKI to encourage Jakarta's economic growth through various DKI Provincial Government programs.
Teguh said that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has a commitment to strengthen Jakarta's position to become one of 20 Global Cities in 2045, as part of the Regional Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPD) for 2025-2045.
"This commitment requires strengthening synergy and contributions from various stakeholders and elements of society, including Bank DKI, as BUMD which has a strategic role in strengthening the economic sector as one of the main pillars of Jakarta's development," said Teguh, Wednesday, January 22.
Teguh explained that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government continues to strive to bring Jakarta to be equal to other developed cities in the world through the divegame changers strategy listed in the 2025-2045 RPJPD.
In addition, in order to meet the 500th age of Jakarta in 2027, Teguh invited all elements to take advantage of this moment to strengthen Jakarta's identity as an innovative and global competitive city.
He hopes that Bank DKI can continue to strengthen its position as a strategic partner of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in supporting the achievement of the Jakarta City development target, through inclusive financial service innovation and increasing competitiveness in the midst of the increasingly dynamic banking industry.
"All levels of Bank DKI must also consistently build synergies with various stakeholders, increase contributions to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and Jakarta residents, and strengthen their capabilities and capacity as credible financial institutions," he added.
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