JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) as a fire development agency has provided assistance to all local governments (Pemda) regarding the importance of fire safety and asked all firefighters to conduct fire safety inspections.
This was conveyed by the Director General of Regional Administration Development (Adwil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs Safrizal Zakaria Ali in response to two fire incidents at Glodok Plaza and in residential areas in Kemayoran.
"I ask firefighters to conduct inspections to all places that have a high risk of fire hazards. Make sure all of them meet all aspects of reducing fire risk," Safrizal said in a statement in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 22, quoted by Antara.
According to him, the fire incident reminded all parties to return to preventing and mitigating fires, especially in densely populated urban areas.
He also expressed deep concern over the incident.
"We are very concerned about the fire incident that occurred at Glodok Plaza and the residential fire in Kemayoran. This incident is an important reminder for all parties to increase awareness, readiness, and mitigation efforts in dealing with potential fire disasters," he said.
In addition, local governments are also asked to immediately compile a fire resistance index, so as to be able to assess the risks and measure the capacity they have in dealing with the possibilities that will occur.
"Prevention and mitigation of fires must be a top priority, especially in urban areas that have a higher level of vulnerability due to population density and economic activity," said Safrizal.
The Ministry of Home Affairs also highlighted the community empowerment program through the formation of fire volunteers that could be used as an alternative in fire management apart from local governments having to take various steps such as institutional strengthening, budget capacity, and strengthening in prevention management such as optimizing early detection systems and adequate hydrant systems, especially in densely populated areas.
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