JAKARTA - The Governor of Jakarta was elected in the 2024 Pilkada, Pramono Anung will build a Rusunawa residence on a building or office owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government after being inaugurated to lead Jakarta.

City planning expert who is also a member of the Pramono-Rano transition team, Nirwono Joga, said that his party had asked the DKI Jakarta Cipta Karya, Spatial Planning and Land Service (Citata) to inventory assets that could be used to build the mixed use rusunawa.

"Yesterday I met with the Citata Service, they were recording which locations were above 1 hectare, but their functions belonged to the regional government," said Nirwono in a discussion in the PDIP faction room of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Tuesday, January 21.

Government buildings that can be used for residential construction on the upper floor include sub-district offices, sub-district offices, health centers, and public schools. Pramono, according to Nirwono, did not want to build a mixed use flat above the market.

"Our market avoids it. Why? Because in practice, if we deal with the market, our time is up to relocate market traders during construction. So yesterday, Mas Pram directed a clear, clear and clean location option. There was no land division. Second, in accordance with land designation," explained Nirwono.

Pramono, continued Nirwono, also did not want to change the land designation set by the local government in the spatial detail plan (RDTR). Thus, this policy only includes the addition of land and building functions.

In addition to housing, Pramono will also add a number of public spaces in one building. Starting from the MSME stall, co-working space, to the place or green open space.

"There will be several buildings, but on the 1st to 3rd floors the function is only for the initial designation function. If it is the kelurahan office, it will still be the kelurahan office. If it is the sub-district office, it will still be the sub-district office," explained Nirwono.

"On the 4th to 5th floor, introduce is for young people's activities. So, the occupancy will be on the 6th floor to the 20th floor. This is still planned to depend on the location. Whether it can be 30 or not," he added.

Nirwono emphasized that this residence is based on rent and cannot be owned because it is built in assets owned by the local government. The target residents are low-income people and are young people.

"So we have confirmed which locations will be built. Then later that will be built with funds from the private sector. So we reduce the construction a little bit from the APBD," he said.

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