JAKARTA - Various groups have urged the government to also establish a policy of relaxation of imports for various fruit and vegetable products that are beneficial to public health. The strange thing is, since last January the fruit import tap has not been opened but has instead been made difficult by the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) and the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag).

Businessmen questioned President Jokowi about what was behind the two ministries' 'selective sugarcane' policy.

"The association really hopes for a positive response and fair trade from Mr. Jokowi's response," said General Secretary of the Association of Indonesian Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters (Aseibssindo), Hendra Jowono in a statement received by VOI, Wednesday, April 8.

Hendra explained, the Association has sent an open letter to President Jokowi regarding the issuance of RIPH and Import Approval Letter (SPI) numbered: 008 / PRES / ASEIB / III / 2020 dated March 20, 2020. Hendra together with members of the fruit exporters and importers association hopes that President Jokowi will respond to the letter. open the.

While waiting for a response from the Palace, Hendra said he was again considering whether to send an open letter to the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU), the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

"It needs to be thought about and under consideration," he explained.

As a horticultural product entrepreneur, Hendra strongly agrees with President Jokowi who has reminded and relaxed import regulations. Moreover, the current condition requires it. Unfortunately, the two related ministries seem to have closed the faucet on importing fruits and vegetables.

"What's behind the RIPH permit to dare to ignore the President's Instruction? Is it because there are rumors, it is suspected that there are games by a handful of businessmen with elements in the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Trade and political parties, "he said.

Board Remind Not Monopoly

Tit for tat, the fruit and vegetable entrepreneur's proposal was supported by the member of Commission IV of the Indonesian House of Representatives in charge of agriculture, Andi Akmal Pasluddin, who emphasized that fruit import licenses must be based on valid data and a balance of domestic fruit needs.

"If our domestic needs are lacking, we will import them," said Andi.

Andi Akmal emphasized that fruit imports should not be monopolized. "One owner but many companies. This is what threatens the condition of fruit prices," he said.

He conveyed this statement along with the news some time ago, namely news of protests from Australian fruit entrepreneurs who felt there was a game in Indonesia, with the dominant entrepreneur with the initials H.

"As a result, importers are suspicious of each other. Who is close to the Ministry of Trade (Ministry of Trade) he gets it even though there is no obligation, while those who have struggled to plant, help farmers cannot get SPI," explained this PKS politician.

Another business actor, the Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Garlic and Tuber Vegetables (Pusbarindo), Valentino also reminded the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Trade to be united in carrying out the President's mandate.

He criticized that both of them had been slow to respond and release RIPH and SPI in their respective Ministries.

INDEF Executive Director, Enny Sri Hartati, also assessed that relaxation of imports for food commodities, including fruit, is important and appropriate. However, he asked that there be no elimination of the obligation to survey reports because this is a quality assurance system for food imports. He said that exceptions such as not having to include SPI were appropriate.

"So the point must be made easier, whether it's imported onions or fruit. So simplifying the bureaucracy, not eliminating the control function of imported food," he said.

Regarding the relaxation of imports, the Director General of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Trade, Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana, on Thursday 26 March acknowledged that garlic and onions were listed in MOA and Law Number 13 of 2010. However, with the issuance of MOT 27/2020, the two commodities received exemptions from RIPH submissions.

Regarding this, the Director General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture, Prihasto Setyanto, confirmed that his party and the Ministry of Trade are harmonizing.

"The Minister of Agriculture has clearly stated that the position of the Ministry of Agriculture is in line. The Ministry of Agriculture always prioritizes and ensures food security for millions of Indonesians. We do not want to speculate when it comes to people's stomachs. Moreover, the Covid-19 emergency condition as it is today, "he said in his official statement on March 29.

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