JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation will issue a circular as a reference for technical implementation in the field related to the policy of prohibiting homecoming on May 6-17, 2021.

"Later the directorates general will issue a circular as a reference to guide regulations in the field as well as cooperate with all stakeholders including the police, TNI, local government, the COVID-19 Task Force and the local transportation agency, to carry out supervision and control," said a ministry spokesman. Adita Irawati Transportation was reported by Antara, Sunday.

According to Adita, massive community movements such as going home should not be carried out, therefore, the government has eliminated homecoming.

The Ministry of Transportation, continued Adita, has followed up by limiting transportation during the prohibition period which will be carried out in all modes of transportation, including land, sea, train and air, as well as private vehicles.

"As stipulated in the Task Force Circular Letter No. 13, all members of the community are prohibited from going home, but there are still movements of people who are allowed to travel, namely for employees who carry out official duties. Of course they must bring a letter of assignment from their respective agencies or companies and also the needs. individuals who are still allowed as long as there is information from the local village head or village head, "said Adita.

The Ministry of Transportation also currently continues to coordinate and hold talks so that the provisions for eliminating the homecoming and aspects of transportation can be properly controlled.

However, Adita added that his party also realized that there was a possibility that the community would travel first. He also appealed to the public that the ban is essentially so that people do not move first.

"We are in a pandemic situation recognizing the 5M protocol. Even though there was no formal ban on going home, we hope that the public will limit their mobility before May 6. The community is urged if it is not urgent, they do not carry out mobility," said Adita.

For land vehicles himself, he said it was possible that there would be random testing at several points and later it would be coordinated by the local COVID-19 Task Force or the local government.

"It needs to be understood that there is also a regional COVID-19 Task Force in a micro-scale PPKM, this task force carries out tasks to the lowest level of the RT RW regarding restrictions on guidance control as well. It is hoped that the lowest level Covid-19 task force can also carry out supervision, especially before the 6th, it can still be controlled. , "said Adita.

Regarding the sanctions for people who violate the ban on going home, Adita said that there are no sanctions for people who go home outside of May 6-17.

"We also do not want to impose sanctions. The most appropriate thing is that the public realizes and understands the essence of restricting movement because it is in the common interest of the community and the good of all of us, so that the situation is conducive and the pandemic can be controlled. So there is clearly no sanction, unless it violates established health protocols. a letter from the task force, such as if there is a mass buildup, "said Adita.

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