JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission I DPR RI Ahmad Heryawan said the issuance of Government Regulations (PP) for the derivative of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions could also limit the use of social media (medsos) in children.
According to him, the government regulation (PP) will focus on child protection in the digital world and the obligation of electronic system operators to contain clear and firm provisions regarding the age limit for social media users.
"Currently, Commission I does not yet have a special discourse to formulate regulations for social media restrictions, instead we are focusing on waiting for the government to complete the PP as a derivative of the ITE Law," said the man who is familiarly called Aher when contacted Thursday, January 16, quoted by Antara.
According to him, the PP can also regulate measurable verification mechanisms and an effective monitoring system. This is very important considering the magnitude of the impact of social media on the growth and development of the nation's next generation.
Aher said the PP will regulate the derivative of the ITE Law, especially for Article 16A. The article states that electronic system operators are required to provide protection for children.
For this reason, he also supports the discourse conveyed by the Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs regarding social media restrictions, given its negative impacts that have the potential to damage the nation's resilience, family resilience, and morals of the younger generation.
Currently, President Prabowo Subianto and Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs Meutya Hafid discussed the government's strategy to protect children in digital spaces.
Meutya continued that there is a possibility to draw up a draft government regulation first while reviewing stronger regulations to protect children in the digital space.
"We study it first really, but in principle, while bridging the rules that are more advanced, the government will issue government regulations first," said the Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs, Monday, January 13.
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