JAKARTA - Member of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Mohammad Toha, criticized the proposed use of zakat funds for the financing of the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program submitted by the Chairman of the DPD RI Sultan B Najamudin.
He said the proposal was wrong and deviated from the President Prabowo's Government Asta Cita Program.
The reason is, the DPR has budgeted IDR 71 trillion for MBG for 6 months. There is even a plan to add a budget of up to IDR 140 trillion.
What I know is that the DPR has budgeted IDR 71 trillion for MBG for 6 months. There is also a plan to add IDR 140 trillion in July or August 2024, why suddenly the Chairman of the DPD RI proposed the source of the MBG budget from zakat? This is like a dream in broad daylight," said Toha, Thursday, January 16.
To note, the proposed use of zakat funds for MBG program financing was conveyed by Sultan B Najamudin after the 10th Plenary Session of the DPD RI During Session III of 2024 2025, Tuesday, January 14. The reason is that Indonesian people's DNA is generous and likes mutual cooperation.
Toha explained, MBG is the Prabowo Presidential Government Program listed in the 2025-2029 RPJMN and is sourced from the APBN. Thus, President Prabowo's source of priority program budget is very clear.
"Of course the government already has a scheme to make MBG a success. We also have to believe that the government will be responsible for fulfilling the required budget. The proposal to use zakat funds for MBG is clearly not on target," explained Toha.
In Islamic teachings, according to Toha, zakat is only intended for eight groups (asnaf). Namely poor, poor, amil (zakat officers), in debt, only entering Islam (mulalaf), slaves (shaaya servants), preachers, and travelers who run out of money.
"As simple as this to understand the allocation of zakat, are the 82.9 million students targeted to receive the MBG in 2025 in 8 categories?" asked Toha.
Therefore, the PKB legislator for the Central Java electoral district deeply regrets the proposal submitted by the Chairman of the DPD RI. He did not deny that the state's financial condition was not good, but the proposal should have been intelligence, not misappropriation from scientific principles. Moreover, this concerns religious teachings.
"Do we have the heart to categorize all students targeted by MBG as poor or poor. Remember, this MBG program is for all groups, including non-Muslim students. Do not let this proposal lead to blasphemy," concluded Toha.
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