JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Council of Medical Ethics Code (MKEK) Pukovisa Prawiroharjo asked doctors to be wise in using social media.

He conveyed this in response to the TikTok video that was uploaded by the @ dr.kepinsamuelmpg account which went viral on viral social media and received negative responses from netizens. The reason was that the video was indicated to contain elements of sexual harassment against women.

Based on information, Kevin Samuel is an intern who is currently on duty at a hospital in Jakarta.

"Hopefully Indonesian doctors can be better and wiser in social media," said Pukovisa when contacted by VOI via text message, Saturday, April 17.

In addition, in the future, MKEK plans to issue a fatwa on medical ethics. This fatwa will later regulate social media activities for doctors in the country.

Regarding the video that was neutralized by Kevin, who is a 2017 graduate doctor, MKEK will make a clarification. "Later we can clarify it to those concerned (Kevin, red)," he said.

The 15-second TikTok video is accompanied by disco music with sparkling light effects. Kevin, the owner of the account, made a parody video that narrates a midwife who seems to ask him to check the opening in the uterus of a female patient who is about to give birth.

In the video, it is as if a midwife says, "Doc, please check how many patients Mrs. A has opened." Then, the video immediately zooms in on Kevin's face, who looks serious while biting his own lip.

He also added a dialogue writing himself that reads, "Okay sis ...". Then, Kevin raised his index and middle fingers. He also put a writing saying, awkward moment or awkward moment.

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