JAKARTA - Investigators from the Corruption Investigation Office for High Officials (CIO) arrested South Korean President who was impeached by Yoon Suk-yeol at 10.33 am local time on Wednesday.

Efforts to arrest him have been made after several hours, with President Yoon being questioned in connection with a military emergency declaration that took effect last month.

Several vehicles, one of which is believed to belong to the president, left their residence and headed to CIO's head office in Gwancheon, Gyeonggi Province, reported The Korea Times January 15.

The executions came hours after investigators entered the presidential residence complex in the morning in their operations to carry out the warrant.

This is the second attempt by the investigative authorities to implement it, with the first attempt on January 3 failing after nearly six hours of dealing with the Presidential Security Service (PSS).

They arrived in front of the presidential residence complex in Hannam-dong, downtown Seoul, at 4:20 a.m. with about 3,000 police officers.

Despite dealing with PSS personnel for about two and a half hours, the investigators managed to advance by passing through the three layers of the "baricade" made by PSS with rows of guards and buses. Investigators had to climb the bus with stairs.

At 08.15 am, they arrived at the guard post closest to the residence. Some of them entered through the post, with presidential chief Chung Jin-suk and Yoon's lawyer Yoon Kap-keun allowing them in.

A joint investigative team, consisting of CIO, police, and a defense ministry investigative unit, has pledged to take firmer action this time.

"There were no physical clashes during the implementation of the warrant. PSS staff did not stop us when we entered the presidential complex," said CIO.

Meanwhile, Acting President Choi Sang-mok issued a statement urging CIO and PSS to ensure there were no physical clashes.

A large crowd gathered outside the residence, with police estimating around 6,500 supporters of Yoon's presence.

About 30 members of parliament from the ruling People's Power Party (PPP) were also among the crowds.

"CIO has raised public concern and confusion with the implementation of their illegal warrant," said PPP's Rep. Kim Gi-hyeon.

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