JAKARTA - The daily chairman of the Gerindra Party DPP as well as the Deputy Speaker of the DPR, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, responded to the suggestion of the Chairman of the DPD RISultan Najamuddin who suggested that the Indonesian people also donate to the free nutritious food program (MBG). Dasco assessed that if this government program accepts donations, it will no longer be called a free program.
"If the contribution is not free, yes. If the contribution is no longer free," said Dasco, Tuesday, January 14.
But Dasco welcomed the intentions of regional heads who also prepared a budget to make President Prabowo Subianto's government program a success. So that it doesn't burden the state budget too much.
"So, actually, what we welcome, both the intention of regional leaders, governors, mayors and regents who are elected and those who are re-elected, that I have heard that there is also a budget to eat nutritiously free in their respective regions," explained Dasco.
"So that later we just have to ask the central government to coordinate whether the budget prepared by these local governments is sufficient for all or must there be subsidies from the central government, so that the APBN will then be helped and reduced," he continued.
This, continued Dasco, will be communicated by the Ministry of Home Affairs with elected regional heads.
"Well, this will slowly be communicated by the Ministry of Home Affairs, in this case the Minister of Home Affairs with regional heads and also with the central government," he concluded.
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