The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya stated that it had examined and sanctioned escort officers or patwals who went viral for being arrogant on the streets while accompanying cars with RI plates 36.
The patwal officer is known to have the initials Brigadier DK who is a member of Polda Metro Jaya.
"It has been examined and we have given sanctions," said Wadirlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Argo Yuwono to VOI, Saturday, January 11.
The sanction given to Brigadier DK was in the form of a warning. He was asked to be more humane when on duty to carry out escort.
In addition, Argo also explained the issue. From the examination of Brigadier DK, the incident began when the Toyota Alphard car that was traveling on the middle track tried to shift to the right. Because, there is a road repair truck that stops.
At that time, there was another car that was also traveling on the right lane. Thus, there was almost a collision. The Toyota Alphard driver was involved in a debate and had the potential to cause traffic jams.
Brigadier DK was also said to be trying to intervene and asked the Toyota Alphard driver to continue his journey. It was that moment that went viral as if there was an arrogant attitude from the police.
"At that time, the guard press immediately took the initiative to intervene and asked Alphard taxi vehicles to move forward immediately so as not to cause traffic jams," said Argo.
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