JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Water Resources Service (SDA) has made repairs again on Jalan Ciledug Raya or to be precise in front of the Assalam Mosque, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta (Jaksel). The goal is to re-adate so that there is no subsidence on the road.

"We will repair it again for total repairs so that there will be no decline in the future," said the Sub-Coordinator for Flood Control and Drainage at the DKI SDA Agency, Firmansyah Saputra, when confirmed, Friday, January 10.

Firmansyah explained that in this repair process, his party would carry out a number of stages ranging from backfilling to finally re-paling.

"So it starts to cover the asphalt and concrete, then dredging it back to fill the bottom cavity of the existing drainage. Next, the dredging of the urugan per layer watering per layer," he said

"Then Hold aggregate B, aggregate A, re-dam the casting of concrete and the return of roads and re-paling," he continued.

Firmansyah also admitted that he could not confirm when this repair project would be completed. However, he ensured that the road repairs were completed as soon as possible.

"We are trying to get the weather to support it as soon as possible," he concluded.

As is known, Jalan Ciledug Raya towards Jakarta, precisely in front of the Assalam Mosque, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, collapsed on Wednesday, January 8, then. This happened because the land was not yet dense after the construction of "jacking" to deal with flooding in the area.

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