JAKARTA - Jalan Ciledug Raya, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta (Jaksel) was repaired again, after a collapsed a few days ago.
As is known, Jalan Ciledug Raya towards Jakarta, precisely in front of the Assalam Mosque, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, collapsed on Wednesday, January 8. This happened, because the land was not congested after the construction of "jacking" to deal with flooding in the area.
According to VOI monitoring at the location, Friday, January 10, at 15.47 WIB, one heavy equipment was seen on the road. Then the heavy equipment was closed with a barrier as a marker for areas that the community could not cross.
Seven officers from the DKI Jakarta Water Resources Service (SDA) were seen. They are working to dismantle the road at the point they want to repair.
As a result of the repair of this road, the direction from Tangerang City to South Jakarta has been hampered. Because of this activity that ate the road.
Motorcyclists or motorbikes passed the remaining half of the road, as a result of the repair. They walk alternately to pass through that point.
No police officers were seen at the road repair site. It only appears that the SDA officers are trying to regulate the flow of traffic.
One of the motorcyclists, Novan admitted that he was surprised by the repair of the road. Because for him, the road was repaired in 2024.
"The 2024 feeling has been repaired. How come it's repaired again. Strange," said Novan
Previously, the construction of the "jacking" channel started from the Seskoal Road intersection through Jalan Ciledug Raya, to Cipulir Market and had started since Monday, January 6, 2024. Then the work was completed in November 2024.
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