PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri revealed that she would again receive an honorary title or Honoris Causa from one of the universities.

However, Megawati noted that the addition of her title was not due to the sale and purchase of titles which had recently been rife on social media.

This was conveyed by Megawati when delivering a political speech at the 52nd Anniversary of PDIP at the Party School, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, Friday, January 10.

According to Megawati, the title she got was due to her dedication to continuing her father's struggle, who is also the proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno.

"Until I was asked, later I was said to be arrogant. Well, until I was splashed from my father, only three professors. How come nopos get processors, where do I study them? Later I thought I was buying and selling again," said Megawati.

"Honoris causaya ini mau nambahan lagi, sekarang sudah 11 masih mau ditambah, yang tahu pak Basarah, mau nggak meningkatan lagi yah?," sambungnya.

"But I don't pay it, because many are buying it now, sorry. That's it. If you want to laugh, just laugh," he added, followed by laughter and applause from cadres.

Megawati also revealed the reason why she had been silent all this time when there was slanted news about her. He said silence was better than talking but not clear.

"Many say, Mrs. Mega, you know, how come you're silent? You know, I did take a position, it's just like that, I don't think I'm angry, it's better if I speak clearly, or yes, I'm silent. Yes, just stay silent," he said.

"You talk to me like this, it's really stupid. That's it. I just said it's a coward. That's all, it's easy," concluded Megawati.

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