JAKARTA - Head of Information for Kogabwilhan III Colonel Czi IGN Suriastawa said that his party continued to pursue individual TNI (Indonesian National Army) soldiers who had fled and joined the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) of the Free Papua Organization (OPM).

"It's true (pursuit, red) is even made a priority", said Suriastawa when contacted by reporters, Friday, April 16.

Several steps have been taken by the TNI in pursuing and narrowing the OPM's space. This is done to weaken the space for this organization.

"We narrowed the OPM's movement to its weakest point. So, there are only two choices for him", said Suriastwa.

The first choice, he continued, was to surrender and rejoin the Republic of Indonesia and build Papua. While the second option is to continue to be hunted.

"Hunted down and will be chopped down to the roots", he said.

Previously reported, the joining of a TNI member who served at Bulapa Post to the OPM, was conveyed by OPM Spokesman Sebby Sambom. He claimed that the decision made by TNI members was because they could not stand the attitude of the TNI which often shot Papuan civilians.

"(Joined, red) since February 2021. Because he saw that TNI members like to shoot civilians, including priests", Sebby explained.

Sebby said, after joining, these armed forces officers immediately became OPM soldiers. The reason is, he has been trained because he had joined the TNI.

"Because he's trained", he said.

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