JAKARTA - The National Police will provide direction to the Task Force for Handling Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Funds (BLBI). It is hoped that the BLBI Task Force's performance can be optimal.

"The National Police will be present as part of the briefing that provides direction to implementers in accelerating the handling and collection rights of the state and BLBI assets", said Head of Public Relations Division of the Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Friday, April 16.

Giving direction to the BLBI Task Force, said Ramadhan, is a form of support for the government.

"The National Police is ready to fully support the BLBI task force", he said.

Previously, the government formed a Task Force for Handling Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund Collections through Presidential Decree Number 6 of 2021.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud MD, in his video statement, ensured that this task force would run transparently. They will also convey the results of their performance as a form of fulfilling community rights.

"It must be transparent because this is the public's right to know. Later there will be the summons and the money will be announced, how much can be executed immediately. We will be transparent to the public", Mahfud said, Monday, April 12.

He explained that the money that had to be collected in this case amounted to around IDR109 trillion. "It is in the form of a building certificate, but the goods may not match the certificate", he said.

"Some have just submitted a statement letter but the transfer document has not been submitted to the state, it has not been signed even though it has been summoned because there are still allegations of criminal acts and so on", added the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court.

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