] JAKARTA - Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP) Maruarar Sirait requested that the Public Housing Savings Management Agency (BP Tapera) be transparent about its performance to the public, so as to build public trust in the management of contributions for Tapera.
BP Tapera harus membangun kepercayaan publik, karena Maruarar menilai bahwa apabila iuran Tapera diwajibkan bagi semua masyarakat sejalan dengan regulasi yang nantinya ditetapkan berdasarkan undang-undang.
"So I ask to improve. How is efficiency, but also benefits must be increased, and transparent to the public," said Maruarar, in the Presidential Palace area, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 7.
The Minister of PKP conveyed that Tapera as a savings should be voluntary and not an obligation.
He also admitted that he had coordinated with BP Tapera to ensure the sustainability of the related program, and if later the program had to run, the manager must be able to ensure that the contribution can be beneficial to the community and can be trusted by its management.
Over the past two months, the man who is familiarly called Ara admitted that he continued to check the development of realization for the Tapera program which had previously been run as part of seeing the effectiveness of BP Tapera.
"It can be checked if I'm not mistaken, to this day maybe 30,000-35,000 (houses) have been distributed through Tapera. This means that the benefits have been seen," he said as quoted by ANTARA.
Even so, for the implementation of Tapera, Ara assessed that the government is still waiting for a decision from the Constitutional Court (MK) which is currently processing the test of the regulation from the second semester of 2024.
"We know that we are currently in the process at the Constitutional Court and we respect the legal decision. But I want to comply with the President's direction that state institutions must be transparent, legal, and useful. Now we encourage that," said the Minister of PKP closing his statement.
The Tapera Program since 2024 has become a byword since Government Regulation Number 21 of 2024 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 25 of 2020 concerning Tapera was set on May 20, 2024.
This is because Tapera's participation, which previously only targeted civil servants (PNS), is now being expanded to private employees, BUMN, BUMD, BUMDes, TNI/Polri, to independent workers.
The 3 percent contribution burden for the program will be borne jointly by workers and companies. The discounted funds are mandatory and will be managed by BP Tapera.
This program received rejection from a number of workers, because not everyone can receive housing financing benefits. Tapera financing requirements are limited to low-income groups or have a maximum salary of IDR 8 million per month, and do not yet have a home.
In PP 21/2024, employers are required to register their workers in the people's housing savings program to BP Tapera no later than 2027.
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