JAKARTA - Young artist Mark Jeffrey Smith aka Jeff Smith said he had been consuming narcotics for the past few years. The reason is, to help him fall asleep quickly.

He conveyed this statement after undergoing an examination at a health clinic at West Jakarta Metro Police.

"(Consumption of marijuana) Hmm, a year, two years ago", said Jeff Smith to reporters, Friday, April 16.

In addition, Jeff, who did not say much at that time, only mentioned that the police had bought marijuana as evidence. He admitted to taking the narcotics to help him rest.

"(The origin of marijuana) Just from myself, because I can't sleep", he said.

Meanwhile, Jeff said that so far no family has visited him. But it is believed that in the near future, his family will come.

"(Family) May come this afternoon", he said.

Jeff Smith was arrested with a colleague on the early hours of Thursday, April 15. He was arrested at a basecamp in the Jagakarsa area, South Jakarta.

Jeff Smith is a journalist who played on the Get Marrried web series in 2020. In addition, he often plays on various FTV.

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