YOGYAKARTA - Land certificates are one of the important documents that must be stored as proof of land ownership. However, not a few people who lost the certificate, either forget or because of other problems. If you experience this incident, you need to know how to manage the land certificate.
Land certificates are official documents that are only issued and printed by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN). This important certificate is used as proof of land rights.
Land certificate owners can use it for a number of financial purposes, such as for credit collateral in banks. Given that this document is very valuable, you need to know how to manage land certificates and their requirements.
To take care of lost land certificates, there are several conditions that you must fulfill. The following are the requirements for obtaining a replacement land certificate because it is missing:
In addition to the requirements above, you also need to include a land statement letter not currently in a dispute issued by the village/kelurahan office. You also need to bring a statement that the land is physically controlled as well as evidence of announcement of loss in the newspaper.
The statements are added with a seal. Don't forget that you also need to prepare a seal to be included in the reporting form submitted to the BPN office. Don't forget, prepare some money for the cost of managing land certificates.
The cost of issuing a certificate of land or replacement building is charged at IDR 350,000. This fee includes a registration fee of IDR 50,000, an oath fee of IDR 200,000, and a copy fee of a measuring letter of IDR 100,000.
Management of lost land certificates can be carried out at the office of the National Land Agency (BPN). After you submit the required documents or requirements, BPN officers will check the completeness and validity of the submitted documents.
Furthermore, the BPN office will announce the process of issuing a replacement certificate as a form of fulfilling the principle of publicity. The announcement was made either through a newspaper at the expense of the applicant, or posted on the announcement board of the BPN office as well as in the land entry access area where the certificate was lost.
BPN akan mengumumkan sertifikat hilang secara online di laman web: https://www.atrbpn.go.id/layanan/pengumuman-sertifikat-hilang. Jika dalam jangka waktu 30 hari dari pengumuman tersebut tidak ada pihak lain yang mengajukan keberatan, maka BPN akan menerbitkan sertifikat rumah pengganti.
The process of issuing a replacement certificate takes about 40 working days. Land owners can monitor the status of the submission by contacting the phone number of the local BPN office listed in the HOTLINE SERVICE SERVICE file.
Setelah menerima sertifikat pengganti, pemilik tanah diwajibkan untuk menyelesaikan pembayaran biaya penggantian sertifikat yang hilang serta biaya lain sesuai ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh BPN, seperti yang dijelaskan pada laman https://ppid.atrbpn.go.id/bpn/page/faq.
In addition, applicants need to prepare additional costs for publication of loss in the mass media, which is one of the requirements for submitting a replacement certificate. The amount of this publication fee can vary depending on the policies of each newspaper company.
It should be noted that the certificate of replacement land has the same legal force as the original certificate that was lost because the document was issued with a registration number in accordance with the data on the land book and a measuring certificate.
With the issuance of a replacement certificate, the certificate that is declared missing is automatically no longer valid. Thus, information regarding procedures for obtaining lost land certificates, including costs and requirements. For more details, please contact the local BPN office.
Demikianlah informasi mengenai cara mengurus sertifikat tanah yang hilang yang perlu Anda ketahui. Untuk mengurus atau membuat sertifikat tanah pengganti, Anda perlu melengkapi sejumlah persyaratan di atas dan mengajukan permohonan langsung ke kantor BPN. Baca juga Kementerian ATR/BPN terbitkan 1,3 juta sertifikat tanah elektronik.
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