JAKARTA - There are apparently 4 people involved in illegal cranes acting on the inner-city toll road heading to Halim, East Jakarta. A total of 1 perpetrator was successfully secured, while the other 3 escaped from the police ambush.
Head of Public Relations of Jakarta Metro Police Kombes Yusri Yunus said that his party had secured a number of evidence when the perpetrator was arrested. One of them, the tow truck was used to extort the victim.
"From the provisional inspection, they are illegal cranes. Indeed, these are cranes, but they have been dead since 2012. STNK (Vehicle Registration Certificate) and SIM (Driver's license) are not used for allotted SIMs, these are SIM A for ordinary four-wheeled vehicles", said Yusri at the Metro Jaya Regional Police Headquarters, Thursday, April 15.
Yusri added that one of the perpetrators arrested had the initials YJ. He was arrested at KM 10 Cikunir when officers were on patrol.
"When the patrol was carried out by the team, the team found one vehicle, it was stopped, there were 4 people in the truck, 3 people fled and 1 was secured", said Yusri.
Director of Traffic Jakarta Metro Police Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said that in this matter, the perpetrators were charged under Articles 287 and 288 of the Road Traffic and Transportation Law. Thus, the threat of imprisonment for 2 months and a fine of IDR500 thousand.
Meanwhile, in the case of coercion of illegal cranes, the police are still waiting for reports from the victims.
"(Article) is related to vehicle registration and driving license documents because this crane must be at least B1 but my pekaku only has SIM A", said Sambodo.
Meanwhile, viral on social media videos showing the coercion of wild cranes.
In the video uploaded by the @info_jakartatimur Instagram account, a truck driver is approached by a number of illegal cranes on the Toll Road near the Halim Toll Gate, East Jakarta.
They seem to force the driver to tow their vehicle. In fact, the burial of these illegal cranes was carried out by banging the driver's car glass.
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