JAKARTA The conflict within the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) is considered far from over, even though the Ministry of Law has approved the management under the leadership of Jusuf Kalla (JK) who received more than 50 percent support in the implementation of the PMI National Conference.
This is because the Agung Laksono camp, which failed to get approval from the Ministry of Law, even though it had held a rival, plans to sue the approval of the JK management to the court.
The PMI struggle is considered by BRIN political researcher Wasisto Raharjo Jati as proof that PMI is not just a humanitarian organization, but an institution that has political attraction.
The position of PMI as a humanitarian organization actually provides significant political weight for any figure who controls it. PMI is the leading organization in an emergency situation, whether related to disasters, health, or saving lives through blood transfusions. The amount of PMI's duties and obligations directly related to society make its position strategic politically strategic," he explained, Sunday, December 29, 2024.
According to him, as an organization engaged in the humanitarian sector, PMI has a wide network.
PMI is present in more than 30 provinces and 500 regencies/cities. In 2019, the number of PMI volunteers is even estimated to reach 1.5 million people.
PMI also has unlimited funds. This is because Article 30 (01) of Law Number 1 of 2018 concerning Reduction states that PMI funding can be obtained from non-binding community donations and other legitimate sources of funds in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
Apart from donations, PMI is also supported by the central and regional governments through the APBN and APBD.
From blood management, PMI also gets funds. For ordinary blood, for example, the cost of replacing blood management (BPPD) set by PMI reaches IDR 490,000 per bag.
For convalescent plasma blood, BPPD reached IDR 2.25 million.
"That is why the position of the Head of PMI is contested. PMI is not only a humanitarian organization, but also has a political appeal with its various features," said Wasisto.
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